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Resident Sentiment Index 2020

A quantitative analysis of the locals' sentiment towards tourism, including the currently experienced problems by tourism as well as the locals' readiness for increased numbers of visitors in the future.

Resident Sentiment Index 2018

A quantitative analysis of the locals’ sentiment towards tourism, including the currently experienced problems caused by tourism as well as the locals’ readiness for increased numbers of visitors in the future.

I samtale med København

En kvalitativ analyse af balancen mellem turismen og de lokales hverdagsliv i København.

Københavns DNA og Fremtidige Potentialer

3 kvantitative analyser samlet i en rapport, der undersøger Københavns DNA ifølge lokale, tidligere- og potentielle besøgende, samt hvordan de rejsendes adfærd og præferencer matcher de lokales ønsker til turismeudvikling i dag og i fremtiden.

Competitive Index, All Visitors

A comparative analysis, based on survey data, of Copenhagen’s tourism product, compared to the tourism product of select competing European destinations. This analysis focuses on all kind of visitors to Copenhagen.

Competitive Index, MICE Visitors

A comparative analysis, based on survey data, of Copenhagen’s tourism product, compared to the tourism product of selected competing European destinations. This analysis focuses specifically on MICE visitors to Copenhagen.

Copenhagen Destination Assessement

A comparative analysis of Copenhagen’s number of quality experiences, based on TripAdvisor, compared to 14 European destinations. Quality Experiences are those with an overall rating of “very good” or “excellent”.

Den Digitale Samtale

En analyse af den digitale samtale og informationssøgning om København over for Stockholm. Analysen er baseret på data fra TripAdvisor, Instagram og Google.

Copenhagen Capacity Analysis

A quantitative analysis forecasting the demand for bed nights and the corresponding requirements for accommodation capacity from 2018 to 2030, covering the areas of Copenhagen City, the Capital Region of Denmark, the region of Zealand in Denmark, the county of Skåne in Sweden as well as the region of Greater Copenhagen, which encompasses all of the aforementioned areas. The forecast covers both total demand as well as demand from individual markets and demand/capacity requirements for individual accommodation options (hotel, Airbnb etc.)

The Mindful Visitor

A quantitative experiment to segment visitors into more or less sustainable segments using data on perceived behaviour as city break travellers in foreign cities.